Just the Inspiration I Needed...

Well, it's official.  I'm finally gonna take the plunge. 

I want to make my own bread.

Molly O posted some stuff on her blog that gave me the structure, encouragement & exact method that I needed. (That's her & her sweet family in the photo.)

I usually get really pumped up about starting a new project & then get frustrated and give up.  Molly broke it down so well & told us why she does each particular thing.

It's (understandably) a royal pain to track down each stinkin' ingredient individually & drag 'em all out to then begin the entire process.  Her post is a God-send (...and a good read with lots of pictures!).
Here's the link to that post on Mocha Drop Mama.
Mmmm...I can smell the fresh-baking bread now.  AND the cold, hard cash this is going to save me!


  1. I love bread and its smell in the house.
    I will definetely try your recipe.
    I discovered a new recipe that you don't have to work the bread. Amazing!!
    I am glad I found you through link referral.
    I am interested in swapping links. You can email me at : info@ourfamilyworld.com
    I am your new GFC follower.

  2. Yay! I'm so glad I've inspired you!! My goal is that just one person be encouraged from each post, even if that one person is myself :) I think I'm going to try and do a break down of my ingredients and see for sure what it costs. I'll let you know what I find out!


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