How Can I Serve You?
This is a completely unplanned, unexpected post. Why? Because this blog has been collecting cobwebs for a few years. I am amazed at how much traffic this blog has gotten even while being 100% unattended. The good news is: I'm considering dusting it off & jumping back in to helping people live large on a tiny budget. So! It's time for you to call the shots! Tell me whatcha want! What types of questions do you have about saving money? What do you want to learn how to do? Are you looking for free printables to help keep your progress on track? Holler at me! :) I'll see what I can do to help equip you to achieve your wildest dreams. For any of you who may be interested...the photo shares a glimpse of what I've been up to for the past 5 years. We moved from Las Vegas, NV to central Alabama to build a farm & learn to grow our own food. We love empowering & educating folks about the healing properties of healthy foods. And, YES, we did all this while