Funny Farmers

I am still dreaming of the day I am out of the Las Vegas ant farm.  I feel claustrophobic (and a little creeped out) with my neighbors basically on top of me when I'm in our backyard.

My hubby and I want to grow our own food.  We do the best we can with the tiny yard we have here, but we want acres!  Enough food to feed us, our extended family, friends and whoever's in need.
These Kansas farmers made a parody to "I'm Sexy And I Know It".  They sing, "I'm Farming And I Grow It"!  I'm glad they're proud of what they do.  I'm proud of them.

The average age of a farmer is surprisingly old (with the majority of them being in their 70s!).  We need more young, enthusiastic farmers like these guys.  Enjoy!

Click here for the video!
