Twenty months ago, our family's life changed directions. My husband & I began paying closer attention to exactly what we spent our money on. It was NOT pretty...or pleasant, but it started a consistent attitude change. We knew that if we took better care of what we had, we would inevitably have more.
Eight months ago, we had another growth spurt. I told my best girlfriend about our efforts & said I felt like I had hit a plateau. That day at lunch, I feverishly took notes on the paper placemat as she explained how she tracked sales & used coupons. The methods she used saved us thousands of dollars & our pantries & shelves are overflowing.
Five months ago, we got our 3rd wake-up call which was a financial workshop that challenged us to do 2 things. They both excited me about as much as having my eyeballs paper-cut.
1) We write & adhere to a Spending Plan each month.
2) Six spending categories each have an envelope containing every penny that is allowed to be spent that month. (It sounds like something you'd make a Kindergartener do, but it's surprisingly effective for grown-ups!)
So, here I sit 20 months later. Not only am I "The B-Word" (budgeting), but I also routinely track sales, clip the same coupons I formerly scoffed at & save a ridiculous amount of money. I've even helped some other people do it, too.
I almost feel guilty as I stand in the checkout line watching other people spend $50 too much on the same exact groceries that are in my cart...or watch them pay for toothpaste when I get mine for free.
Eight months ago, we had another growth spurt. I told my best girlfriend about our efforts & said I felt like I had hit a plateau. That day at lunch, I feverishly took notes on the paper placemat as she explained how she tracked sales & used coupons. The methods she used saved us thousands of dollars & our pantries & shelves are overflowing.
Five months ago, we got our 3rd wake-up call which was a financial workshop that challenged us to do 2 things. They both excited me about as much as having my eyeballs paper-cut.
1) We write & adhere to a Spending Plan each month.
2) Six spending categories each have an envelope containing every penny that is allowed to be spent that month. (It sounds like something you'd make a Kindergartener do, but it's surprisingly effective for grown-ups!)
So, here I sit 20 months later. Not only am I "The B-Word" (budgeting), but I also routinely track sales, clip the same coupons I formerly scoffed at & save a ridiculous amount of money. I've even helped some other people do it, too.
I almost feel guilty as I stand in the checkout line watching other people spend $50 too much on the same exact groceries that are in my cart...or watch them pay for toothpaste when I get mine for free.
So... Happy Birthday, "Stretch Your Savings"!
I hope this is the beginning of a lot more of your money being leftover at the end of the month.
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